Once a criminal, always a criminal?

Every man on this planet is born innocent and sinless. However, as he grows, he tends to get molded by his surroundings and circumstances. It is generally believed by some masses that people who tend to commit a crime and become a law breaker, will forever remain the culprit. This argument is partially true and this essay will argue the reasons behind this.

To begin with, it is true in some cases where a criminal when gets a taste of evil for the first time, gets intimidated and feels guilty initially, but with time these feelings get suppressed by contentment, pleasure, and greed for making money illegally. Not only this, but his conscience remains unaffected as he thinks about the reward more than the damage that has been done. In addition, such people are not usually welcomed by society and their families as well. People judge them on account of their previous criminal records, and as a result, with no hopes they tend to follow the dark ways. For example, every other day we see the crime rate increasing which shows the resilience of these offenders and the mafia behind them that they will always be a criminal.

On the other hand, a great section of society rejects this argument and holds an optimistic view regarding criminals. These people think that human beings are capable of change and are not evil by nature. In addition, it is their circumstances which usually lead them to become sinister. Therefore, it is important to understand their reasons which at times are not conciously done. For instance, some people break the law due to financial crisis, unemployment, and lack of education. Thus, it is not right to believe that they will not change. In reality, with little kindness and respect, their good side can be stimulated which happens to be there all along but was suppressed due to committing crime regularly. There are many rehabilitation centers successfully running for this cause. which has helped these people to become sober. However,  sometimes what is done can not be undone. These rehabilitation centers might conquer changing criminals sober but any bad incident can trigger it back and end up turning them evil again.

To sum up, the notion that a man who embraces evil will have no chance to come clean is true to some extent, but one can not deny it completely as there are many examples around the world where criminals after yielding their crime, are leading a normal life.

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